Because, “there will always be more good ideas than there is capacity to execute,” (The 4 Disciplines of Execution), at ARC we work collaboratively across divisions to refine/revise/re-prioritize the Product Development plan to meet the needs of our customers.
We are experimenting with this forum as a space for ARC teammates to share ideas.
A nice feature to improve user design ability on your software would be allowing teachers to backlog their data entries. For example, I have met with students and worked on power goals and IRLA Toolkit lessons, but data shows I have not met with them in 49 days because I have not put in evidence. Making a feature that allows teachers to select a date that they have entered their data would highly improve the accuracy of our data collection and better reflect progress being made.
This suggestion came in from 5 different users at this district today (I assume they had PD).
"Back dating putting in evidence would be great!"
"Would it be possible to add the ability to back date notes and evidence?"
"Can we have an option to back date conferencing...I am a pencil paper type gal."
"We need a way to enter data later than the day of. To be able to back date."
(Hannah Sweet -
From BRIDGET WESTBURY , teacher, at Beloit SD:
Would it be possible to have a conferencing calendar that allows us to enter data from a previous day at the end of the week? For example, on Friday a teacher enters conferencing groups from Monday- Friday. So on Friday, a teacher can select Monday and have the conference show up in the calendar on Monday even though teacher entered the data Friday, the day it was entered