
Because, “there will always be more good ideas than there is capacity to execute,” (The 4 Disciplines of Execution), at ARC we work collaboratively across divisions to refine/revise/re-prioritize the Product Development plan to meet the needs of our customers.

We are experimenting with this forum as a space for ARC teammates to share ideas.

Combine IRLA & ENIL conference Activity for those accountable

Add a Conference Activity report that combines IRLA & ENIL conference activity for those classrooms that are accountable for both. Wharton Elementary requested during PD on 12/3/19.  They said the way the data is split between IRLA/ENIL now makes it almost unusable for them.

  • Lindsay Hastings
  • Dec 5 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Abby Manning commented
    28 Feb 20:54

    From Pam Reilly, admin, at Plano:

    Our accountability Smart Goals in our building are getting thrown off by the way the conferences are accounted for in dual language.

    If a dual language teacher is meeting with a student in IRLA or ENIL, we believe it should just count as a conference. In our building data it looks like a teacher hasn't met with a student in emergency for 20 days in IRLA but they've been meeting with them in ENIL for that time period. This counts against them though. When we are looking at our building data it will show that 29% of our emergency students haven't been conferenced with in the past 20 days in IRLA, which is true. BUT.. they have been met with.. just not in IRLA but ENIL.

    I'm not sure how to fix this. Is there a way to combine IRLA and ENIL. So as a dual language student it doesn't matter which they are meeting with them on.. a conference is a conference? I was excited when I saw that IRLA and ENIL history were combined, which is a great improvement, but doesn't resolve the problem we are having here.

    I can jump on a call with you if this is clear as mud. :)

    Thank you for your help!

    Pamela Reilly

    Instructional Coach

    Emily G. Johns