
Because, “there will always be more good ideas than there is capacity to execute,” (The 4 Disciplines of Execution), at ARC we work collaboratively across divisions to refine/revise/re-prioritize the Product Development plan to meet the needs of our customers.

We are experimenting with this forum as a space for ARC teammates to share ideas.

Auto Assign points in eIRLA

From Tracy Gold, school admin, Hillsborough Township Public Schools

I am hoping we can work together to help teachers streamline the process of using the IRLA to monitor student progress and choose Power Goals for teachers.

The entry level requirements for each level are a great tool in seeing if students are making progress on the phonics, tricky word or vocabulary requirements within a level. They align nicely with the points and standards for that level. I was hoping there is a way that you can link the requirements to automatically give points for that standard or skill. FOr example, while working in the White level on the Phonics Gap Locator there are 14 phonics categories with 5 words in each. If students get 4 or 5 of the words in the category, can they immediately and automatically be assigned the points attached to that skill? It would really save teachers so much time, and it would also allow for our data to be much more accurate.

Another example would be the 1G Power Words. There are 60 words on this level and it is work .15 points in the Foundational skills. Could the points be automatically assigned in increments? So every 4 words marked green would be worth .01. This would be such a huge help to teachers if the points were automatically assigned.

  • Abby Manning
  • Apr 4 2022
  • Unassigned
  • Attach files
  • Abby Manning commented
    October 10, 2022 12:54

    From Nina Crain, teacher, at Millville SD:

    Why can't your program assign the point value automatically when we enter the number of power words/ sounds etc? Why give one more thing for a teacher to enter while they are working 1:1?

  • +1